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Estamos prontos para ajudar com seus serviços veiculares.

A unique vehicle designed to resemble a wooden shed with wheels, parked on an asphalt surface. The license plate reads 'Q710 LBW,' and the front features typical car parts such as headlights and a license plate. Nearby, there is a black van with 'MAD MAX RACE TEAM' written on it, along with some other vehicles partially visible in the background.
A unique vehicle designed to resemble a wooden shed with wheels, parked on an asphalt surface. The license plate reads 'Q710 LBW,' and the front features typical car parts such as headlights and a license plate. Nearby, there is a black van with 'MAD MAX RACE TEAM' written on it, along with some other vehicles partially visible in the background.


Estamos localizados na Avenida Rio Branco, 2180, Mossoró, RN. Venha nos visitar para serviços de despachante veicular.


Avenida Rio Branco, 2180


Seg a Sex

Serviços de despachante veicular em Mossoró

Na MS Veículos LTDA, oferecemos serviços completos de despachante veicular, garantindo agilidade e eficiência na regularização de documentos e licenciamento de veículos em Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte.

A close-up view of the front portion of a silver Kia car, focusing on the license plate area. The license plate frame features a sign with the text 'I'D RATHER BE FISHING' written in bold letters.
A close-up view of the front portion of a silver Kia car, focusing on the license plate area. The license plate frame features a sign with the text 'I'D RATHER BE FISHING' written in bold letters.
Atendimento excepcional e rápido.

Cliente Satisfeito
